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Housing of growing rabbits in individual, bicellular and collective cages: growth performance, carcass traits and meat quality




During growth (from 27 to 75 days of age), 384 rabbits were kept in different types of wire-net cages: 72 individual cages (72 rabbits; 10 animals/m2), 48 bicellular cages (96 rabbits; 2 rabbits/cage; 18 animals/m2) and 24 collective cages (216 rabbits; 9 rabbits/cage; 18 animals/m2). The rabbits housed in individual cages showed higher daily weight gain both during the fattening period (from 52 to 75 days of age) and during the whole period of growth (43.0 v. 41.8 and 41.5 g/day; P,0.05), and they had a higher final live weight at 75 days of age (2678 v. 2619 and 2602 g; P,0.05) compared with the rabbits in the bicellular and collective cages, respectively. Rabbits in individual cages ingested more feed (133 v. 127 and 126 g/day; P,0.01), but the feed conversion did not differ significantly among rabbits housed in the three types of cages. At slaughter, the carcass traits and meat quality were weakly affected by the housing system. The transport losses were higher in rabbits kept in individual and bicellular cages compared with those reared in collective cages (3.1% and 2.9% v. 2.2%; P,0.01). In rabbits kept in individual cages, the hind leg muscle to bone ratio was higher (6.35 v. 6.19 and 5.91; P,0.05) compared with the bicellular and collective cages, respectively. The pH and colour of the longissimus lumborum did not change with the housing system, while the b* index of the biceps femoris was lower (3.04 and 3.32 v. 4.26; P,0.001) in the rabbits kept in individual and bicellular cages, respectively, than in those kept in collective cages. In conclusion, the rabbits housed in individual cages showed higher daily growth than rabbits kept in bicellular or collective cages, but they had a similar feed conversion and carcass quality. Differently, neither in vivo performance nor slaughter results differed among the rabbits kept in bicellular cages or in collective cages. The meat colour may be affected by the housing system, but to an extent that is hardly perceivable by the final consumer.
机译:在生长过程中(27至75天大),将384只兔子关在不同类型的网箱中:72个单独的笼子(72只兔子; 10只动物/ m2),48个双细胞的笼子(96只兔子; 2只兔子/笼子); 18只动物/平方米)和24个笼养笼子(216只兔子; 9只兔子/笼子; 18只动物/平方米)。饲养在单个笼子中的兔子在育肥期(从52到75天龄)和整个生长期(43.0 v。41.8和41.5 g /天; P,0.05)均显示出较高的日增重,并且与双细胞笼和集体笼中的兔子相比,它们在75日龄时的最终活体重更高(2678 v。2619和2602 g; P,0.05)。单个笼子中的兔子摄入的饲料更多(133 v。127和126 g /天; P,0.01),但是在三种笼子中饲养的兔子之间的饲料转化率没有显着差异。屠宰时,the体性状和肉质受住房系统的影响很小。与在集体笼中饲养的兔子相比,在单个和双细胞笼中饲养的兔子的运输损失更高(3.1%和2.9%对2.2%; P,0.01)。在单独笼中饲养的兔子中,后腿肌肉与骨骼的比例分别比双细胞笼和集体笼高(6.35 vs. 6.19和5.91; P,0.05)。腰果的pH值和颜色不随住房系统而变化,而分别放置在单个和双细胞笼中的兔子的股二头肌的b *指数较低(3.04和3.32 v。4.26; P,0.001)。 ,而不是放在笼子里的笼子里。总之,与单独饲养在双细胞或集体饲养笼中的兔子相比,饲养在单个笼中的兔子的日生长更高,但是它们的饲料转化率和car体质量相似。不同的是,在双细胞笼或集体笼中饲养的兔子的体内性能和屠宰结果均没有差异。肉的颜色可能会受到外壳系统的影响,但最终消费者很难察觉到。



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